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Due Diligence

Secure your control over the valuable assets to defend the valuation you aim for with due diligence. Due diligence aims to get an overview of the company’s significant assets and improve the company’s control over these so that the value of the company is increased. We carry out both surveys of assets and implement measures to remedy any deficiencies identified.

The scope of our work depends on the level of work called for.

Startup Offer: Due diligence Mini

Based on the company’s description of its technology, assets and regulation of
key people, we produce template documents for:

  • Shareholders agreement adapted for external investors by an ascension amendment
  • Assignment agreement for intellectual property/technology
  • If adaptation of the above documents is desired, there will be an extra cost for such work.
Price example (excl. of VAT) – Due Diligence Mini, prepaid fixed fee 10 kSEK, delivery of first drafts of the documents within 10 Business Days.
Due Diligence Midi
  • A review of its technology, assets, key employees, and other assets is important for its valuation.
  • Review of documentation and interviews with key people in 3 x 45 min.
  • Analysis from a business law perspective of the company’s control over these valuables
  • Proposals for measures so that the founders can increase the value of the company, for example:
    o The right conditions for investing
    o Regulation of ownership issues
  • Transfer of intellectual property/technology whereby the founders and any key personnel transfer know-how, technology and intangible rights to the company. This is usually an absolute requirement from investors since the company’s valuation largely consists of the control of the technology.
  • Regulation of confidentiality and strategy for keeping valuable know-how secret about product and service
  • Review of the Articles of Association to ensure that the Board can take swift action decisions about raising money.
  • Supplementary proposal for a business plan concerning the legal conditions to achieve the chosen strategy.
  • Meeting with the company where findings and proposed measures are presented, and a high-level report is handed over, including an action plan to remedy shortcomings in the company structure, product/service, customer contracts, and raising the valuation.
  • Adapted transfer agreement for intellectual property rights/technology is being developed.
  • Standard Agreement for Shareholder Agreement between the company’s shareholders.
  • Template for a confidentiality agreement.
  • If adaptation of the above documents is desired, there will be an extra cost for such work.
Price example (excl. of VAT) – Due Diligence Midi, prepaid fixed fee 50 kSEK, delivery of high-level review with action points and first drafts of the documents with delivery within 10 Business Days, one iteration based on sellers’ feedback. 
Comprehensive Due Diligence  – subject to our quote.

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